Sizzling Tofu Sisig ala Max’s Recipe

Sizzling Tofu Ala Max Recipe
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This is Max’s restaurant-inspired sizzling tofu sisig recipe. It is easy to cook and really delicious!

Ingredients You’ll Need:

  • 100g firm tofu, drained
  • 1 tbsp red bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 tbsp green bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 pc small onion, chopped
  • 1/4 tbsp butter
  • 3/4 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 tbsp liquid seasoning (Knorr)
  • 1/4 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tbsp water
  • cooking oil

Cooking Procedures:

Step 1

In a small mixing bowl, combine mayonnaise, liquid seasoning, onion powder, and water. Mix well until smooth. Set aside this sauce.

Step 2

Heat cooking oil in a deep pan or pot. Add the tofu. Deep-fry until golden brown. Remove from heat. Use a strainer to drain the oil. Set aside.

Step 3

Heat about 2 tbsp of cooking oil in a pan. Add the onion. Sauté until fragrant.

Step 4

Add the green and red bell peppers, and the fried tofu. Stir and cook for 1 minute.

Step 5

 Add half the amount of the prepared sauce. Stir and cook for another 2 minutes. Turn off the heat.

Step 6

Heat a sizzling plate on the stovetop. Melt butter onto it.

Step 7

Transfer the cooked tofu to the sizzling plate. Add the remaining sauce.

Step 8

Serve while hot and enjoy your sizzling tofu ala Max’s!

“Cooking is about passion, so it may look slightly temperamental in a way that it’s too assertive to the naked eye.”

-Gordon Ramsay

Try this recipe too: Fried Chicken ala Jollibee Chicken Joy Recipe

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